JEM Membership Registration

Jury Professionals:

JEM (Jury Education & Management, Inc.) is currently recruiting members (within California) and associate members (outside of California) for 2022-2023.  If you are currently assigned to jury service/administration or employed full-time in court administration in other States or Unions outside of California, where a primary responsibility is the management and administration of the jury system assigned to the jury division, we welcome you to join our team!  JEM is a team of jury supervisors, managers, and administrators who share information on the jury management process, to better serve jurors in their county and the court.

Some of the benefits to joining JEM are:

  • Having access to a great resource of jury knowledge and information
  • Networking via phone, email or at conferences with other jury members
  • Information on how to handle new jury laws or pending legislation
  • Information for jury summons, orientations, customer service; and
  • Information on how to take different approaches to better serve your jurors, judges and court.

The annual JEM membership fee of $25.00 is being waived for the 2022-2023 year.   Members can join at any time and have access to the JEM e-mail distribution list and receive announcements of any upcoming JEM Conferences.

New members or renewing members please use the form below or CLICK HERE to print and mail
the Membership Form to Joe Yniquez at, or you can mail it to:

Joe Yniquez
Stanislaus Superior Court
P.O. Box 3488
Modesto, CA 95353

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